Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Second Story Pubbed

I put off polishing up my second story all weekend. I just found different excuses to postpone it another day and another day and another day and suddenly it was coming up on a week since my first release when I want to eventually get into the groove of releasing a story every other day. On top of that, it's now the end of the month and I wasn't about to have just one story in all of April after I started working on this project in late March. So I told myself last night: "You don't get to watch the next episode of Fargo until you have your next story published, missy." Lo and behold, it worked! I went to the library to make sure I wasn't alone to have 'alone time' all to myself so I could actually get my story finished and not get arrested for touching myself in a public place. It actually helped me focus, knowing that any eyes would be on me if I were to start wandering into distraction territory. Plus I really want to watch the third episode of Fargo, which I'm actually going to do right now. I gotta try withholding things from myself until I get stuff done more often. I might actually turn out to be really productive at writing these things.

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