Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Publishing My First eBook

Everyone's gotta start somewhere, so I figured I might as well get a head start at starting before I finish school and get my diploma. I've had a few stories saved up for a while and I've finally figured that sharing them now with the world is better than waiting or just not doing it at all, so I'm going to try to use this blog and document my experience with self-publishing disgustingly raunchy erotica short stories in order to start my writing career. I'd like to think my writing will take me somewhere, but for the foreseeable future I'll be here formatting my short stories and making lame cover art in an attempt to make some rent money by the time I get my diploma in May 2014.

If all goes as planned, I should have my first story up tonight. This blog post will hopefully be a motivator for me to get that story up as my deadlines are usually made up in my mind and they become very flexible when I get closer and closer to the due date. "Hmm, maybe I'll just do it tomorrow instead." No, not this time, Gaia. The longer you take to do something, the less time you have to enjoy the completion of your accomplishment. I've had that thought sort of floating in my mind for the longest time but I've been such a huge procrastinator—especially as of late. Here's hoping I can finally get that spark of motivation I need.

Feel free to join me (or don't, I'm not your mom) as I attempt to work my way up in the filthy back alleyway of the world that is short story erotica self-publishing.

My Smashwords profile can be found at
You can also follow me on Twitter (again, not your mom) at

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